Are You Searching For A Job In Sydney?

Searching for a job that suits your qualification and past work experience if you have any is quite a difficult task and more so if you are looking for a logistics job. Long hours of searching for job on your laptop, applying for positions, going for interviews, waiting endlessly in hope for a job that you eventually don’t get; all this can now be avoided due to People in Focus. They are one of the best recruitment agencies not only in Sydney but also in Australia for companies that require individuals for job in logistics. Companies that contact them often demand individuals who are capable of managing customs, operations, administrative work, procurement, cartage etc. To gain more ideas about this logistic job you can visit this page for such reliable information.

Therefore keeping this in mind, they provide services for the domestic and international freight system, recruiting people for positions such as importers and exporters, commodity traders, custom brokers, manufactures, carriers in road, air and sea, freight forwarders and many more. Logistics is not just about a single job position; it is a complex process, one that requires numerous individuals for smooth flow of goods and services between countries. People in focus, therefore provides jobs for the following sectors in logistics: for forwarding, operations, transport, custom brokerage, distribution including warehouses, management of accounts, sales, executive positions, finance, customer service and many more.

Know about the company

They believe that knowledge can only be gained through experience and the team they have on board exemplifies this. They are experience in freight forwarding (which includes: import and export, general management, etc.), logistics (this includes: design of a project, insuring quality, etc.), administration (managing accounts, payroll, credit etc.), procurement (which includes negotiation with the supplier, sourcing the product and much more. The team at People in Focus has work experience in all the following areas guaranteeing that they will be able to bring for you the best recruitments possible.

The director of the company is Sharyn Waterworth and she can be directly contacted through the following number: 0432 990 472 and email at the following address: Ever since the year 1995, she has been working in freight forwarding, however has over the years gained experience in recruitment, shipping and logistics. Working in the industry allows her to better recruit staff as she is well aware regarding the importance of hiring competent individuals who are qualified as well as passionate about the job and the difficulties one faces in finding such people. Link here provide a high standard of working in freight.

Another director at People in Focus is Andrew Waterworth. You can contact him by calling at the following number: 0426 909 904 or by emailing at the following id: He has been working in the industry since 1988, an experience you are unlikely to find. Thus, both husband and wife together are extremely passionate about what they do. So if your company or business is in need of individuals, then you should surely contact the team at People in Focus and they will surely recruit the best they can for you.